On this page you’ll find youth-focused resources to connect to general educational development (GED)/pre-GED classes, college preparation, scholarships, and tutoring and other educational support services.
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This toolkit aims to engage parents in school dropout prevention and develop strategies to ensure the success of all children. This toolkit is a resource for all organizations and community leaders interested in bringing the parent voice into the planning process and the development of local and state action plans addressing the dropout crisis.
Apex Counseling Center is an outpatient mental health provider that offers psychological and psychiatric treatment, assessments, and medication management for children, adolescents, and adults. An experienced team of providers offers appointments on a flexible schedule, including on weekends.
AZIZA PE&CE, commonly referred to as “AP,” is a non-profit organization that primarily serves girls, LGBTQ+, and gender expansive youth with a focus on Black, Latinx, and Indigenous youth. AP uses fashion, fitness, arts, music, mentoring, entertainment, and education to address social, emotional, cultural, life, and critical thinking skills.
901 N. Milton Ave 240 Baltimore MD 21205
The BCASP is a non-profit organization of school psychologists in Baltimore.
BCPS’s information on college and career readiness.
See other resources by Baltimore City Public Schools:
Baltimore City Public Schools: Homeless Services
Baltimore City Public Schools: VEX IQ Robotics Program
Baltimore City Public Schools: Alternative Paths to High School Diploma
Baltimore City Public Schools
Baltimore City Public Schools: Immunization Requirements
Baltimore City Public Schools: Family University
The BEST First Generation Affinity Group is a group of representatives from universities and private and public schools in Baltimore that provides a united voice and collaborative efforts to support first generation college-bound students.
808 N Charles St Baltimore MD 21201
BUDL uses the art of debate to change lives. BUDL brings learning to life by making it relevant, real, and fun by providing debate-based education for 3rd through 12th graders. They partner with schools to have extracurricular debate practices and monthly weekend debate tournaments.
2601 N Howard St Suite 150 Baltimore MD 21218
BGCMB works to create opportunities for all children & youth to get involved in the community and to reach their full potential. BGCMB provides a safe place for youth to learn and grow, fostering genuine and ongoing relationships between youth and caring adult professionals, sponsoring positive, life-enhancing programs, and by promoting character development, hope, and opportunity. BGCMB provides after-school programs in the areas of Academic Success, Good Character & Leadership, & Healthy Lifestyles. Club hours and activities vary from club to club.
1201 S Sharp St Suite 302 Baltimore MD 21230
Boys Hope Girls Hope helps guide and nurture young people in need to become well-educated, career-ready people for others.
3817 Fleetwood Ave Baltimore MD 21206
This program is an opportunity for Baltimore City Public School high school students to work alongside graduate students in the MICA Master of Fine Arts in Community Arts Program to develop innovative arts and social justice based programs with and for community.
1430 Carswell St Baltimore MD 21218
The mission of Catherine’s Family and Youth Services (CFYS) organization is to improve the quality of life for all residents living in Northwest Baltimore and surrounding areas. CFYS is dedicated to serving low to no income families, the LGBTQ+ community and youth within our target area with services that improve the quality of life and family.
2835 Virginia Ave Baltimore MD 21215
Centro SOL’s mission is to promote equity in health and opportunity for Latinos by advancing clinical care, research, education, and advocacy at Johns Hopkins and beyond in active partnership with our Latino neighbors. Centro’s staff dedicate their time and expertise to promote excellence for Latino Health and organize working groups, who meet periodically. Centro’s staff also creates partnerships with the community, which are open to grow in number.
No onsite address 21224
Choo Smith facilitates positive growth in the lives of youth, their families, and communities through after school tutoring, mentoring, and youth basketball camps.
10045 Red Run Blvd. Suite 120 Owings Mills MD 21117
YouthBuild gives a second chance to Baltimore City youth who have dropped out of high school. We provide construction training and certifications, assistance in earning a high school diploma or GED, and job placement services. Civic Works strengthens Baltimore communities through education, skills development, and community service. We are a non-profit working in Baltimore communities for over 20 years, and we are deeply committed to service.
See other resources by Civic Works:
Civic Works
Civic Works: Real Food Farm
2701 St. Lo Drive Baltimore MD 21213
Civic Works strengthens Baltimore’s communities through education, skills, development, and community service.
See other resources by Civic Works:
Civic Work: YouthBuild
Civic Works: Real Food Farm
2701 St Lo Dr Baltimore MD 21213
We provide a wide range of innovative in-school, after-school, and summer programs in partnership with community organizations, Baltimore City Public School System, local government, and industry. We expose youth to key concepts early, help them develop 21st century skills and capabilities, and build pathways from school to jobs and higher education. Our team of dedicated and knowledgeable instructors travel between 22 partner sites, teaching key skills in under-served areas.
We host our after-school program (Prodigy Program) Monday-Thursday and on occasional Saturdays. We ask students to commit to a minimum of 3 hours a week. Codeworks is hosted during the summer.
21 E. North Avenue Suite 300 Baltimore MD 21202
CollegeBound works exclusively in Baltimore City public schools to encourage and enable students to pursue a postsecondary education.
2601 N. Howard Street Suite 210 Baltimore MD 21218
Community Advocates for You is a network of professionals, parents, and community advocates who have joined forces to provide person-centered support to individuals with disabilities and their families. Most of our services are at no cost to our clients.
P.O. Box 113 Owings Mills MD 21117
The Community Assistance Network, Inc. (CAN)’s mission is to work in partnership with the community to develop, operate, and support programs that reduce vulnerability and promote personal growth, stability and self-sufficiency among low-income residents. CAN does this by providing shelters, eviction prevention, after school programs and summer camps, and rapid-rehousing programs and a food pantry.
Community Assistance Network, Inc. (CAN) operates two shelters. Homeless individuals seeking Emergency Shelter must call the Baltimore County Department of Social Services at 410-853-3000 (prompt #2 for Homeless Screening Unit/Adult Services) in order to be referred to an emergency shelter in Baltimore County.
7900 E Baltimore St Baltimore MD 21224
University initiatives include AmeriCorps VISTA Incentive Awards and the Community Development Fellowship Program, which connect students with real-world experiences in urban revitalization and applied research. Additionally, the college collaborates with the Jessup Correctional Institution for the Second Chance College Program, enabling incarcerated individuals to pursue education upon release. The Sustainable Cities Initiative involves the college and the Jacob France Institute in developing strategies for Baltimore’s sustainable development. The city serves as a “built-in” laboratory for students to apply theoretical knowledge and create positive change. The Student Professional Development Fund further supports students by providing grants for conference travel and contributions to professional associations.
Baltimore MD
The Community Youth Corps program prepares teens 13-17 for future employment, academic success and positive interaction by providing meaningful opportunities to earn service learning hours while working at various Enoch Pratt Free Library branches including the Central Library.
400 Cathedral Street Baltimore MD 21201
Dayspring Inc. is dedicated to providing educational programs and services that promote high academic achievement and positive developmental outcomes for children and youth.
5351 Park Heights Ave Baltimore MD 21215
The Digital Harbor Foundation is a youth-maker space providing youth with an opportunity to be creative and productive through a variety of programming.The Digital Harbor Foundation Tech Center is dedicated to providing youth with a space to make, and hands-on, real-world learning opportunities. Our youth programs include month-long elementary school programs, semester-long middle and high school programs, 2 week summer camps, and school day field trips.Tech Center delivers innovative, youth-focused technology education programs in high-growth pathways, ranging from digital fabrication (3D printing) to web development, electronics, and coding.
These programs aim youth toward career-readiness through both tech-skill and soft-skill development (such as innovation, perseverance, self-efficacy).
1045 Light St Baltimore MD 21230
The Druid Heights Community Development Corporation’s mission is to promote and encourage areas of community development and empowerment through numerous initiatives. The overall goal is to accelerate the revitalization of the neighborhood with self-empowerment, employment, and economic opportunities all while creating a stable and safe community environment. Our mission is to cause, encourage, and promote community self-empowerment through the development of economic, educational, employment and affordable housing opportunities.
2140 McCulloh St Baltimore MD 21217
The Dyslexia Tutoring Program’s mission is to work with low-income children and adults who are dyslexic or have a language-based learning disability. This is accomplished through professional assessments and, if needed, tutoring by volunteers who we train in research-based, multisensory skills using the tenets of Orton-Gillingham, a method of teaching reading, writing and spelling through supplemental programs proven to be most effective. Free one-on-one tutoring for dyslexic children and adults is available.
711 W. 40th Street Suite 310 Baltimore MD 21211
Elev8 Baltimore provides out-of-school time opportunities, school-based health services, and resources, support and outreach for the families we serve. Elev8 Baltimore partners with schools and the surrounding community to make sure that every student is ready to succeed in high school.
844 Roundview Rd. Baltimore MD 21225
Esperanza Center’s Educational Services offers free or low-cost ESOL classes for adults.
See other resources by Esperanza Center:
Esperanza Center: Immigration Legal Services
Esperanza Center: Health Services
430 S Broadway Baltimore MD 21231
Bon Secours Community Works’ Family Support Center serves pregnant mothers and families with children up to age three. The Center offers Early Head Start services. At the Center, families receive support, encouragement and resources, such as GED preparation, developmental child care, parenting classes, employment readiness, counseling, tutoring, life skills training and money management.
2000 W Baltimore St Baltimore MD 21223
Our programs operate as a “one-stop shop” for families and individual in crisis, helping them to achieve stability by meeting their basic human needs like food and clothing, then empowering them with the tools and resources necessary to build self-sufficient lives.
101 W 23rd St Baltimore MD 21218
The Liberty Rec And Tech Center provides a full slate of supports designed to provide services for students and parents. The center has GED classes, a full service food pantry, workforce development seminars, after school programming, technology classes, parenting classes, a Head Start program, league basketball and volleyball, ceramics classes, visual arts programming, zumba, dance, aerobics, and fitness classes, a community pool, a sewing circle, and space available for community rentals.
3901 Maine Ave Baltimore MD 21207
GBUL helps disadvantaged Marylanders gain access to equal opportunity in employment, education, health care, housing and the civic arena. They have a youth empowerment program, entrepreneurship center, and workforce development program.
512 Orchard St Baltimore MD 21201
Historic East Baltimore Community Action Coalition Youth Opportunity Center (HEBCAC-YO) addresses the education, counseling, and career development and training needs of out of school youth in East Baltimore. Our caring and knowledgeable staff provides: on site GED and pre-GED classes; individual and group counseling; career training in high growth industries (such as healthcare, hospitality, and construction); life skills workshops and clubs and other fun social activities. YO! serves out-of-school youth and young adults by providing wide-ranging support services and opportunities for participants to reach their academic and career goals. We also connect youth to other needed wrap-around services such as housing, family support and healthcare by referral.
1212 N Wolfe St Baltimore MD 21213
The Holistic Life Foundation is a Baltimore-based 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization committed to nurturing the wellness of children and adults in underserved communities. Through a comprehensive approach, children develop their inner lives through yoga, mindfulness, and self-care. HLF demonstrates a deep commitment to learning, community, and stewardship of the environment. HLF is also committed to developing high-quality evidence-based programs and curriculum to improve community well-being.
1014 W 36th Street Suite 403 Baltimore MD 21211
The Immigration Outreach Service Center, Inc. (IOSC) at St. Matthew Catholic Church is an independent non-profit organization dedicated to serving Baltimore’s immigrants regardless of immigration status, ethnicity, or religious affiliation. Their mission is to partner with and empower immigrants in the Baltimore area to lead successful lives in the United States. IOSC is dedicated to being the hub from which their clients build the networks of relationships that best serve them.
5405 Loch Raven Blvd Baltimore MD 21239
JobCorps specializes in free career training and education programs for people ages 16-24 years old. JobCorps also provides free housing, nutritious meals, basic medical care, and living allowance if enrolled. Locations in the Baltimore area are Woodland and Woodstock JobCorps Centers.
Clinic focuses on primary care and family planning care. They are a community-based and hospital-based clinic. Youth-friendly services also offered. The mission of the Harriet Lane Clinic is to improve the health and quality of life of children within their families and communities and to educate trainees in this model of care.
See other resources by Johns Hopkins:
Johns Hopkins: Johns Hopkins Community Physicians East Baltimore Medical Center Pediatrics & Med/Peds
Johns Hopkins: The Johns Hopkins Eating Disorders Program
Johns Hopkins: Leadership Education in Adolescent Health (LEAH)
Johns Hopkins: STEM Program and Competition Listing by The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (APL)
Johns Hopkins: Community Psychiatry Program at The Johns Hopkins Hospital
Johns Hopkins: Johns Hopkins Asthma & Allergy Center
Johns Hopkins: The Johns Hopkins University Center for Talented Youth (CTY)
Johns Hopkins: Center for Educational Outreach (CEO) at Johns Hopkins University
Johns Hopkins: Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth Summer Programs
Johns Hopkins: Children’s Mental Health Center (CMHC) at Johns Hopkins Hospital
Johns Hopkins: Birth Companions at Johns Hopkins School of Nursing
200 N. Wolfe St Baltimore MD 21287
Clinic focuses on primary care. We are a community-based clinic.
See other resources by Johns Hopkins:
Johns Hopkins: The Johns Hopkins Eating Disorders Program
Johns Hopkins: Leadership Education in Adolescent Health (LEAH)
Johns Hopkins: STEM Program and Competition Listing by The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (APL)
Johns Hopkins: Community Psychiatry Program at The Johns Hopkins Hospital
Johns Hopkins: Johns Hopkins Asthma & Allergy Center
Johns Hopkins: The Johns Hopkins University Center for Talented Youth (CTY)
Johns Hopkins: Center for Educational Outreach (CEO) at Johns Hopkins University
Johns Hopkins: Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth Summer Programs
Johns Hopkins: Children’s Mental Health Center (CMHC) at Johns Hopkins Hospital
Johns Hopkins: Center for Adolescent and Young Adult Health at Johns Hopkins Harriet Lane
Johns Hopkins: Birth Companions at Johns Hopkins School of Nursing
1000 E Eager St Baltimore MD 21202
The Center for Talented Youth, a nonprofit academic center of Johns Hopkins University, delivers academic excellence and transformational experiences to advanced learners in grades 2-12.
CTY provides:
See other resources by Johns Hopkins:
Johns Hopkins: Johns Hopkins Community Physicians East Baltimore Medical Center Pediatrics & Med/Peds
Johns Hopkins: The Johns Hopkins Eating Disorders Program
Johns Hopkins: Leadership Education in Adolescent Health (LEAH)
Johns Hopkins: STEM Program and Competition Listing by The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (APL)
Johns Hopkins: Community Psychiatry Program at The Johns Hopkins Hospital
Johns Hopkins: Johns Hopkins Asthma & Allergy Center
Johns Hopkins: Center for Educational Outreach (CEO) at Johns Hopkins University
Johns Hopkins: Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth Summer Programs
Johns Hopkins: Children’s Mental Health Center (CMHC) at Johns Hopkins Hospital
Johns Hopkins: Center for Adolescent and Young Adult Health at Johns Hopkins Harriet Lane
Johns Hopkins: Birth Companions at Johns Hopkins School of Nursing
5801 Smith Avenue Baltimore MD 21209
LTYC’s mission is to encourage youth to apply their gifts and strengths through arts and leadership. LTYC offers arts education programming to help promote success and balance in their lives.
1120 N Charles Street Suite 500 Baltimore MD 21201
LIFT is dedicated to providing quality literacy instruction and life-skills training to adult learners and assisting these individuals in becoming self-reliant life-long learners. We provide a learning environment which is supportive and incorporates best instructional practices. LIFT was created to respond to the needs of southeast Baltimore residents who want to improve their basic educational skills.
901 North Milton Avenue, 2nd Floor Baltimore MD 21205
Liberty’s Promise supports low-income immigrant youth, ages 15-21, by providing them with means to become actively involved in civic life, pursue higher education, and embark upon meaningful careers. Liberty’s Promise supports young immigrants in need while encouraging them to be active and conscientious American citizens. Their programs aim to make the immigrant experience an affirmative one for young newcomers while instilling in them a sense of pride and support for American ideals of democracy and freedom. Their services include after-school and internship programs designed to help immigrant youth become more involved in their communities while pursuing their desired educational and professional goals.
3500 Boston St. Suite 314 Baltimore MD 21224
Living Classrooms Foundation strengthens communities and inspires young people to achieve their potential through hands on education and job training, using urban, natural, and maritime resources as “living classrooms.”
Program Locations (after-school programs):
The UA House at Fayette (1100 E. Fayette St),
The POWER House Community Center (316 S. Caroline St),
The Park House (200 S. Linwood Ave),
BUGS (802 S. Caroline St),
Fresh Start (802 S. Caroline St),
Workforce Development Center (1100 E. Fayette St),
The Adult Resource Center (901 N. Milton Ave),
Masonville Cove Environmental Education Center (1000 Frankfurst Ave)
See other resources by Living Classrooms Foundation:
1417 Thames Street (main offices) Baltimore MD 21231
The Loyola Clinical Centers (LCC) provides affordable state-of-the-art facilities and treatment for people experiencing difficulties in the areas of psychology, pastoral counseling, literacy, hearing, speech, and language. LCC provides audiology, literacy, and speech-language pathology programs, as well as support for learning disabilities, difficult emotions, and other mental health needs. At the Loyola Clinical Centers, we are devoted to making care — not cost — the primary focus of each service. Reduction of fees is available through our sliding scale to those who demonstrate financial need. Affordable service means that we will work with you to provide the help that you, your child, or your family needs.
5911 York Road Suite 100 Baltimore MD 21212
Here you will find information about the divisions within the Maryland State Department of Education.
As the state’s primary social service provider, the Maryland Department of Human Services serves over one million people annually. The Department, through its 24 local departments of social services, pursues opportunities to assist people in economic need, provide preventive services, and protect vulnerable children and adults in each of Maryland’s 23 counties and Baltimore City.
311 West Saratoga St Baltimore MD 21201
MEOC is a federally-funded, community-based program that provides comprehensive information, advising, and technical assistance to low income adults and youths interested in going to college or postsecondary training programs.
2305 North Charles Street Suite 101 Baltimore MD 21218
The Maryland Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation and the U.S. Department of Education now offer a GED preparation class available on the Web. Maryland i-Pathways is a free, teacher-supported online learning program for GED test preparation offered to Maryland residents. Maryland i-Pathways allows you to choose when, where and what you study.
MDSNAP provides free special education advocacy and referrals. They help families prepare for IEP and IFSP meetings, and provide IEP advocacy. While their primary focus is on serving the Jewish community, they welcome questions from and strive to be inclusive of the entire Baltimore community.
5708 Park Heights Ave Baltimore MD 21215
MOED’s Youth Services division provides the City’s future workforce with the tools they need to succeed in careers in local high-growth industries. The division operates Baltimore City’s Youth Summer Jobs Programs, as well as job-training opportunities through Youth Opportunity Baltimore and Youth Partner Programs.
101 West 24th St Baltimore MD 21202
Preparation is the key to ensuring your dream of going to college is realized. To assist you with the process, this website presents information about planning for college in a user friendly and engaging manner. Additional information for planning for college is also available http://mhec.maryland.gov/preparing/Pages/default.aspx.
MERIT aims to eliminate health care disparities by transforming under-represented high school students into health care leaders.
Mentoring Male Teens in the Hood is a group mentoring program serving Kings between the ages of 8 and 18 who live in the Baltimore Metropolitan area since 1996 where education, speakers, trips, sporting events, health forums, conflict resolution, STD and AIDS workshops, and real conversations about the ‘Hood’ come together to build strong Kings and prepare them to compete in a society that too often allows them to slip through the cracks. The program has real life conversations about topics that impact our community.
2100 N Monroe St 2nd Floor Baltimore MD 21216
Mi Espacio is an after school leadership and enrichment at CASA for Latino high school students in Baltimore City. The program strives to build the next generation of Latino youth leaders by combining academic support with life skills including workforce development, financial literacy and health education, with civic leadership development and social justice training, including public speaking, advocacy, conflict resolution, antiracism training, and community service.
2224 East Fayette St. Baltimore MD 21231
The Mr. Mack Lewis Foundation continues to foster the ideals of our founder by striving to reduce violence, juvenile delinquency and the effects of Post Traumatic Syndrome in the Church Square Community. They achieve these goals by offering our members and community a better path via the disciplines of boxing, the arts and academics.
The Office of Community Service develops and implements dynamic community service programs that boldly address the educational, social, cultural, and recreational needs of the under-represented, and the educationally “at risk.” Available middle school and high school programs are described.
Jenkins Academic Quad, Room 421 1700 East Cold Spring Lane Baltimore MD 21251
OPWWEE BmoreWet!, a STEM program by OMOL, focuses on youth ages 10 -18 called Mariners. Mariners are exposed to mental wellness in nature through marine education, water access (fishing, boating, kayaking) and aquatic STEM research.
2810 Shirley Ave Baltimore MD
Our Legacy facilities the growth and empowerment of upstanding, educated and productive young people through various programs for at-risk youth. Programs include EMERSE: Establishing a Mindset for Educational Resilience so Students can Excel; PRIDE: Parenting Resources Intended to Develop and Educate; and STARS, a 10-month literacy and English language learning program.
10 E North Ave Baltimore MD 21218
Park Heights Renaissance (PHR) represents residents, businesses, religious institutions, schools, agencies, and other stakeholders committed to shaping a better future for Park Heights. PHR offers community and web based housing, education, health, community engagement, and public safety resources.
3939 Reisterstown Rd Suite 268 Baltimore MD 21215
We offer any adult who wants it the opportunity to earn a high school equivalency credential, prepare for a better job, support their family, and realize their dream for a better life. Register for the GED on your phone, computer or tablet.
Listing of scholarship resources for Hispanic students by the Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities (HACU) – an organization that promotes the development of member colleges and universities improving access to and the quality of post-secondary educational opportunities for Hispanic students and meeting the needs of business, industry and government through the development and sharing of resources, information and expertise.
A program from The Jed Foundation (JED) to help high school students prepare for the transition to college and to life after high school.
The Soccer Without Borders mission is to use soccer as a vehicle for positive change, providing underserved youth with a tool kit to overcome obstacles to growth, inclusion, and personal success. We facilitate soccer, academic, and community-building activities with newcomer, immigrant, and refugee youth in Baltimore City and Baltimore County.
3700 Eastern Ave Baltimore MD 21224
The South Baltimore Learning Center (SBLC) serves hundreds of adults each year offering a variety of educational services, many geared towards helping learners earn their high school diplomas.
28 E Ostend St Suite A Baltimore MD 21230
The St. Francis Neighborhood Center offers a range of programs and services to meet the needs of Reservoir Hill and Penn North residents. In addition to an after school program and summer camp, they offer weekly food distributions, senior socials, computer lab access, adult education programs, community clean-ups, and an internship program.
2405 Linden Ave Baltimore MD 21217
The Adult Learning Center provides Adult Basic Education (ABE) and English Language Acquisition (ELA) for adults 18 years of age and older who are officially withdrawn from school. In addition to classes, learners are also eligible for one-on-one tutoring, learner advocacy, and computer classes.
3503 North Charles Street Baltimore MD 21218
The Choice Program is a community-based, family-centered case management approach to delinquency prevention and youth development. Focusing on providing support in at-risk environments, The Choice Program empowers youth and engages families through a multitude of services adapted to individual needs.
1000 Hilltop Circle Baltimore MD 21250
Thread engages underperforming high school students confronting significant barriers outside of the classroom by providing each one with a family of committed volunteers and increased access to community resources. We foster students’ academic advancement and personal growth into self-motivated, resilient, and responsible citizens.
P.O Box 1584 Baltimore MD 21203
Tri-Hearts Counseling provides individual, family, and group therapy.
Tri-Hearts PRP programs provide mentoring services for children and adolescents. Participants learn ways to address their concerns, through fitness activities, educational tutoring, peer groups, and monthly events to become self-sufficient.
5602 Baltimore National Pike Suite 204 Catonsville MD 21228
The UMAR Boxing Progam is an afterschool program for at-risk youth in Baltimore City. The motto is No Hooks before Books as this organization combines academic development and athletic training under one roof. While boxing is an exciting draw and integral part of the program, academic development is the paramount goal.The No Hooks Before Books Afterschool Program is a free afterschool program that provides 2 hours of homework help and mentorship and 1 hour of boxing training. The program is Monday – Thursday from 4:00 pm – 7:00 pm.
1217 West North Avenue 2nd Floor Baltimore MD 21217
Unified Efforts, Inc. is an after-school youth program for K-12 students. Our mission is to provide Baltimore area students, especially youth of the Penn North Community, with tools that focus on gang prevention and alternatives to violence and bullying. We establish multiple formats for their voices to be heard and encourage youth to live peaceful, productive, and successful lives; in doing so, we support them in achieving academic success.
200 Cross Keys Rd #42 Baltimore MD 21210
Participants learn practical life skills through 4-H leadership and citizenship training, civic education, healthy lifestyles, nutrition, entrepreneurship, workforce development, service-learning, photography, STEM, public speaking, gardening, fashion review and the Clovers Program.
See other resources by University of Maryland:
University of Maryland: Behavioral and Developmental Pediatrics
University of Maryland: ADHD Treatment Clinic
University of Maryland: Center for Minorities in Science and Engineering (CMSE)
University of Maryland: Sexual Abuse and Rape Assessment Center at University of Maryland Children’s Hospital
University of Maryland: School of Dentistry
University of Maryland: Evelyn Jordan Center (EJC)
University of Maryland: Child & Adolescent Clinic
University of Maryland: Eye Associates
University of Maryland: Pulmonology and Allergy Clinic
University of Maryland: Drug Treatment Program (Methadone Maintenance)
University of Maryland: Outpatient Addiction Treatment Services (OATS)
University of Maryland: Alcohol & Drug Abuse Program
University of Maryland: Urban Agriculture at University of Maryland Extension-Baltimore City
University of Maryland: STAR TRACK at University of Maryland Adolescent Health Center
University of Maryland: Adolescent and Young Adult Center
6615 Reisterstown Road Suite 201 Baltimore MD 21215
The mission of the Morgan State University (MSU) Upward Bound Program is to provide first-generation, low-income high school students with access to postsecondary education as full participants. Upward Bound seeks to increase the rates at which participants complete secondary education, enroll in and graduate from institutions of post-secondary education. The purpose of the Upward Bound Program is to provide high school students with college readiness skills and tutoring.
1700 East Cold Spring Lane 114 McKeldin Center Baltimore MD 21251
Way2GoMaryland is the University System of Maryland’s (USM) information campaign to encourage more students, especially those in middle school, to begin preparing for college early. It also offers tips for parents and guardians.
The Westside Youth Opportunity Center (Westside YO) works with Baltimore City residents between 18 and 24 years old. They are primarily a career development program that includes a full academic program ranging from adult basic education all the way to GED preparation. They are youth development based with case management at or core.
1510 W Lafayette Ave Baltimore MD 21217
WorldSchool Mosaic offers families an integrated, inspirational, progressive model for raising highly self-appointed children who become productive self-actualized young professionals and entrepreneurs. We provide the spaces and experiences that make academia relevant and applicable now. Our STEEM-centered workshops, signature events and education advocacy guidance for children, parents and their village vanguards give our communities a congruent, actionable blueprint for achieving academic, collegiate, professional and entrepreneurial goals for every child and family we touch.
WorldSchool Mosaic: Innovations (Prek-6th grade)
WorldSchool Mosaic: EAGLE Society (7th-12th grade)
Baltimore MD 21202
Writers in Baltimore Schools (WBS) is a program that provides low-income middle school students with a vibrant environment for literary development through in-school, after school, and summer creative writing workshops taught by Baltimore college students.
10 E. North Ave Baltimore MD 21202
It isn’t easy keeping your kids active. The Youth Sports Program (YSP) provides a variety of exciting sports activities for children and their families. YSP is dedicated to the provision of extra-curricular sports and activities to support family involvement and physical and social skill development for young children. Parents are encouraged to coach and assist coaches for games, practices and closing activities. The YSP encourages school involvement for all parents to support their child’s academic achievement.
4633 Furley Ave Furley Recreation Center Baltimore MD 21239
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