
Parents and Caring Adults

Did You Know?

Teens and young adults should visit a doctor at least once a year even if they look and feel healthy.

Connecting to health care can help a young man’s health now and in the future.

Teens say that parents and mentors – not peers, not partners, not popular culture – most influence their decisions about relationships and sex.

You are a key person for a young man to learn information about to take care of his health.

To the right are resource that we share with young men that can help you help them learn about their health. For resources just for you, look at the items under Parents/Caring Adults.


Resources for Parents and Caring Adults

Parent Health Care Guide

Download the latest edition of the guide.

Resources for Youth

The information provided herein is for informational purposes only. Y2Connect makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy of the information provided on this page. Nothing on this page or the Y2Connect website is or shall be construed as legal or medical advice.