
Center for Hope

The mission of Center for Hope is to provide victims of child sexual abuse, trauma, and other Adverse Childhood Experiences in Baltimore and their non-offending caretakers with comprehensive forensic interviews, medical treatment, and mental health treatment with a goal of preventing future trauma.

Center for Hope

The mission of Center for Hope is to provide victims of child sexual abuse, trauma, and other Adverse Childhood Experiences in Baltimore and their non-offending caretakers with comprehensive forensic interviews, medical treatment, and mental health treatment with a goal of preventing future trauma.

Main Address

2300 N Charles St
Baltimore, MD 21218
P: (410) 396-6147
Go to Website

Fees & Insurance

Information not available

Available Services

Setting Types


Your review of resources that you have actually used can help other youth get the services they need.

  • We reserve the right to edit or remove a review if it has language that is not appropriate or information that can be used to identify you.
  • If you have a question about your own health, CALL your doctor or clinic. A question posted here will NOT be answered by a health care professional.

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