Black Mental Health Alliance (BMHA)
The primary mission of the BMHA is to provide a forum and promote a holistic, culturally relevant approach to the development and maintenance of optimal mental health programs and services for African Americans and other people of color. Further, BMHA promotes appropriate mental health care, service delivery, provider networks, and theoretical understanding through culturally relevant approaches and models in education and consultation.
BMHA is a well-rounded and a community-based membership organization that has a successful history of direct service provision, including school-based mental health services, youth tobacco education and prevention, fatherhood initiatives, summer camp, after-school programs, and HIV/AIDS prevention initiatives. BMHA programming and trainings have primarily encompassed historical and race-based trauma, structural racism, cultural competence, mental health stigma, social determinants of health, and mental health in the Black community.
Fees & Insurance
- Services are free
Available Services
Setting Types
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